hi. I ‘m Tara.
I’m a counsellor, writer and a collector of grief.
My super power is running into the mental health buildings that everyone else is running from.
my counselling practice
I spend a lot of time with clients, either in my office or online, addressing grief, burnout, trauma and what it means to be in a well-functioning relationship.
I believe strongly in humanity and the vigorous pursuit of freedom.
I am in the conversation business and there are very few I won’t have. I speak with clients about the chaotic parts of their lives. I support them in making sense of things like trauma, grief, relationships, and burnout.
I introduce my clients to themselves so that they can stop living in what happened to them and start living in peace.
my writing
In 2016, as I came through the other side of a storm of grief, I wrote to heal and the results are this book that I wrote about here.
I’ve been a writer since I could string words together and I can remember working on my first “novel” when I was 12, during a summer spent with my aunt and her husband. That book is not published, either. It was called Grade 12: from tragedy to triumph and I’m quite happy not knowing what became of it.
I write as a means to process and make clear what is happening around me.
And yes, I collect grief. I certainly don’t welcome it, but when it arrives, as it inevitably will, I greet it with open arms and offer it some tea. I have come to know that grief is for me. It loves me and wants for me, and given the choice of not having it or carrying it with me, I would never leave it behind as it’s quite possibly the love of my life. For real.
the podcast
As I’ve arranged myself in my grief I’ve hosted conversations on my podcast, Grief: A Love Story
the community
I’ve also created a community for it that you would be most welcome to join.